Wednesday, January 13, 2010

On Dying

My father died on December 9, 2009. It's still tough to say, but I am getting better at it everyday. This blog is not intentioned to be a heartfelt memory to him. It's not really about him at all.

Since his death, I have worked with my mom on all the other "stuff" - funeral details, credit cards, utilities, life insurance, etc - and it has been an eye-opening experience.

I have learned that some companies are truly good. They send condolence letters. They forgive late fees. They send insurance checks immediately. We have also encountered the opposite: denying life insurance claims because two weeks before his death my dad missed a payment (one in a matter of years), sending the collection agencies after the "estate" immediately, etc.

Trudging through this has not been easy. It's not easy to say, "I'm calling you because my father just died..." Hopefully, I can offer some insight into some of the steps. (and I'll try to backtrack on what has happened between death and beginning this blog) I also hope to open some eyes to some of the "good" companies - the ones I encourage you to feel safe doing business with them while warning you of those who will harass your family after your death (or deny your life insurance).

Maybe "On Dying" won't be about my Dad, but writing this much has helped already. Maybe some healing...

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